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Benefits of Physical Education for Children with Autism Spectrum

We live in the era of mental health awareness and hence the world is becoming more welcoming for people who fall within the autism spectrum. Thanks to all the research in this area, we are able to treat them right according to their needs. One area that is in focus these days is the benefits [...]

By | 2022-12-11T19:17:37+00:00 December 11th, 2022|Dissertation Writing|0 Comments

Exploring the Gender Wage Gap in Modern Europe

The issue of gender equality has seen crucial developments in recent decades. With the rise of female leaders across Europe and the world, it comes to pay equality in the workplace, which has traditionally been an area of inequality. The topic of the gender wage gap (the difference between men’s and women’s wages) has gained [...]

By | 2022-12-11T18:59:17+00:00 December 11th, 2022|Economics Dissertation|0 Comments

Is Risk-Based Management Profitable in the Banking Sector?

Risk management is an important aspect of every business as it minimizes the effects of the volatility of the market. Without proper and calculated risk management, no business can survive and most likely lose its assets to that risk. Thus, the banks need to make sure of profitability. The regulators need to ensure the financial [...]

By | 2022-12-08T15:05:29+00:00 December 8th, 2022|PhD Dissertation Help|0 Comments

Modern Preventing Strategies to Fight Obesity Among Teenagers

The rising rate of obesity and related diseases among teenagers is devastating. It does not only affect their physical health but also their minds. Besides, a variety of factors cause obesity among teenagers, which is why it is crucial to monitor them in multiple ways. You may have seen the world is now making awareness [...]

By | 2022-12-08T14:56:18+00:00 December 8th, 2022|Psychology Dissertation|0 Comments

The Ambiguity of Applied Economics and its Modern Critique

Since the beginning of the 20th century, economics has made considerable progress in the realm of applied economics. Over the course of roughly 50 years, it has developed from an art of giving broad advice to individuals or business owners. For example, it became a practical, rigorous field that predicts and explains economic behavior through [...]

By | 2022-12-08T14:50:32+00:00 December 8th, 2022|Economics Dissertation|0 Comments

How Oil Consumption Influences Global Economy Economics

The whole world today relies heavily on oil, from making energy to using it for transportation. Oil has effects on every basic commodity of life. Hence, when oil prices rise or fall, the cost of goods and services also gets affected. If the oil price rises, commodities get expensive, and if they fall the prices [...]

By | 2022-11-28T15:27:06+00:00 November 28th, 2022|Economics Dissertation|0 Comments

The Political-Economic Effects of Brexit for the UK

Nearly more than half of the world does not know about Brexit. Well, of course, why would anyone know about Brexit, they do not have anything to deal with it or do. Yet, we bet most of the UK knows about it, as it was a valuable event to them. It changed various things for [...]

By | 2022-11-28T14:39:24+00:00 November 28th, 2022|Economics Dissertation|0 Comments

Budgeting a Public Healthcare System

Healthcare budgeting is an important aspect of government policy. It ensures that each department and sector is receiving the right amount of money and resources to work effectively. The healthcare budgeting process involves understanding how much funding should be spent in different areas. There are 2 significant costs that budgeting covers that are operating costs [...]

By | 2022-11-23T15:25:35+00:00 November 23rd, 2022|Health|0 Comments

How Gender Studies Influence Economic Theories

Gender studies have become common among us today. It happened with the help of the inclination for gender equality. Today, gender equality and women’s empowerment are widely known and supported by people all around the world. Both the genders get same career options and success these days. All of these were possible with the help [...]

By | 2022-11-23T15:10:20+00:00 November 23rd, 2022|Uncategorized|0 Comments

How Small Companies can compete with International Business

When you go on building your brand you feel like you won’t be able to compete among these big whales. Although they have the advantage of the brand and they have cost advantage and strong product positioning, your business can make an impact as well. It is the beauty of capitalism that gives everyone equal [...]

By | 2022-11-23T14:55:37+00:00 November 23rd, 2022|Economics Dissertation|0 Comments