It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done

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It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done

“It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done”

Nelson Mandela

These words speak volumes. We don’t have to introduce who Nelson Mandela was, his achievements, and what he meant for the black community and for the world. The depths of his words are that they can be applied in all cases. Whether you are a scholar who is struggling to write their dissertation, or someone who wants to start their own business, the road to success seems far and full of hurdles. Being a dissertation help service ourselves, we are going to take this quote and apply it to a problem most scholars usually face; writing a dissertation. If you are a scholar who is thinking, I need to do my dissertation for me, but can’t find the motivation to do it, then this article is sure to help you.

Consider the achievements mankind has made over the course of history. Do you think that they will be able to do that if they have thought it to be impossible? If they have given up? Of course not. With every risk, there is a reward higher than the risk itself. We, humans, like comfort and would hardly jump into something that would entail risk. We don’t like to get uncomfortable, and that sounds true in all domains of human existence. Whether you are employed at a job, playing a video game, or doing anything, you tend to choose the path that is the easiest and comfortable for us. However, greatness and progress don’t come from that. It stems from a heart that is willing to do everything to achieve a certain goal. The determination is what made Mandela, Gandhi, and the likes, great heroes of our time.


To achieve anything, the first cause of action is to believe. You can’t achieve anything if you are not true to yourself and don’t believe in it. To start working on something, you have to practically analyze the situation and come up with a conclusion that you can do it. It is absolutely crucial for everyone to go through this phase before jumping into the project.

The key part to take is that no matter the difficulty of the project, it just has to be doable, and that is it. When you believe that something is doable, you open up the root of motivation that will then enable you and carry you to the next step.

Motivation is Key

The next step is motivation. Now, this is where most people struggle, and if you are reading this article, then most probably you are as well. It is absolutely crucial that you stay motivated throughout the project. However, as we know, that usually isn’t the case. It is hard to keep up the motivation, and it is quite easy to lose motivation.

When people are not motivated, they tend to lose the spark and give up on their project or anything that they are doing or want to do. However, motivation has everything to do with mindset. If you successfully manage to tweak your mindset, no hardship can bring you down.  

Be Driven

Nothing ever got achieved without robust determination. Take any successful person, you will most definitely find a kind of drive that is unique and inspiring. For instance, Elon Musk used to work 20 hours per day for a week. Most of us are just trying to make it through office hours. This is exactly why the right mindset plays a huge role.

When you are driven, time becomes irrelevant, and the only thing that is keeping you motivated is your work. Whenever you start something, the road seems far. However, if we go by the words of Nelson Mandela, all you need to do is take the first step, the rest will be accomplished with time.

No Days Off

Consistency is another thing you need to get comfortable with. If you are someone that thrives on results, you have to adopt the habit of consistency. Without consistency, you cannot achieve the goals that you have set for yourself or for your project. Be consistent, and avoid taking days off. You have to dedicate your entire mind, soul, and body to the project you are working on.

Remember, it can be anything from an academic writing project to starting your own company. The rules apply to all, in all situations. Work daily, even if it is for a small amount, and stay consistent. In time, you will realize the evidential result.

Try to Love it

Remember when we talk about mindset? Well, you can train it according to your will. Have you ever saw anyone that makes even the most boring job fun? Well, that is what you have to do as well if you are ever stuck in a situation that is draining you. You can actually make yourself like something if you just try to enjoy it. When you love something, you don’t get bored, and when you don’t get bored, you successfully continue to do the work necessary. So, try to love the work that you are doing.

Keep a Good Balance

Another thing that you might want to do when embarking on a hard journey is that you should keep yourself healthy. Now, what do we mean by that? Well, you don’t have to just keep your body healthy but also your mind and soul. When you are healthy, you would be able to push your boundaries and achieve what you once thought to be impossible. This is where greatness stems from. To keep yourself in such a situation, that the only dominating force is you, yourself.


Lastly, the only thing left to do is to achieve the goal you have set for yourself. Whether you are a scholar who is trying to write a dissertation, or someone with ambitious business goals, with the right mindset, you can definitely achieve anything. As a dissertation service providing company, we have addressed and helped many scholars’ do my dissertation for me requests. Work hard, and when you need help, don’t refrain from asking it. Only the wise ones know when they are supposed to get help.

By | 2021-06-12T10:39:01+00:00 May 24th, 2021|Quotations|0 Comments

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