List of International Law Dissertation Topics

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List of International Law Dissertation Topics

There is no doubt most students face many problems during the dissertation writing process. No one has ever said that writing a final-year research task is easy. Although, students get two or more years to complete this task. Still, many miss the deadline due to the difficulty. You may wonder if two years are enough to compose a research task, well yes, enough if you have the right guidance. Many students fail at the start when picking a dissertation topic, especially law students. It happens because picking an international law dissertation topic is challenging.

This article will offer a list of international law dissertation topics that can help you succeed. Thus, if you need someone to write my dissertation, read the rest of the blog with your eyes wide open. The topic you will see below can make the whole writing process easier. Remember, a fitting topic means you have already done 50% of your research work.

Top International Law Dissertation Topics

Before reaching the list of law dissertation topics, you should understand what a law dissertation is. Well, it is actually the same research task as other academic fields students get in the final year. It consists of five standard chapters, alongside a proposal and an abstract. However, the difference is that a law research topic should be real and follow applicable laws. Else, it will simply be worthless, some words on paper. Perhaps you understand why picking an ideal international law dissertation topic is crucial. If so, here we jump to the core section of this blog.

Business Law Research Topics

As stated above, law students face many issues in choosing an ideal topic for their research. That is why we compiled a list of some of the best international law research topics in the business domain. Here are some cases you can choose for your research and modify according to your needs. 

  • How international business laws can stand against corruption within firms
  • Commercial transactions and their link with commercial law
  • Right Violation – How online and offline enforcements are different for copyright violation
  • Business partnerships and their risks, legal cures, and outcomes
  • Marketing laws and their framework for online marketing
  • International business law against unfair advertising and marketing practices
  • National VS Global commercial laws of ten nations
  • International commercial law programs: How effective they are in the university programs
  • The value of examining the copyright and trademark of a business
  • What is the social responsibility of laws governing corporate businesses
  • Termination contracts — use, importance, and role in business industries
  • The structure of transactions in business law and its role
  • The business framework under society and its link with commercial Law
  • Pros and cons of commercial VS regular lease

General International Law Research Topics

General international law research topics can give you a jumpstart. Sometimes, unique topics do not save the day but are general. Let’s offer you some of the best general international law topics to ease things for you.

  • Precedence sayings about the hearings on cases in international human rights court
  • The international sale of goods and its link with different political parties.
  • Internet legislation and digital laws: How international law tackles these factors
  • The effects of international tribunals against war crimes
  • Why underlying principles of international criminal laws need changes
  • The gaps left in human rights law from the international point of view
  • Abuse of laws and human rights in different nations – An analysis
  • Execution of global laws in evolving nations – Problems, reasoning, and fixes
  • Laws related to military mutual aid between the UK and the US to deal with terror
  • How civil rights in international law affect public safety
  • How international laws ensure the protection of civilians in contrast to illicit conflict in armed conflicts between nations
  • Rescue and protection of human rights of sea refugees in line with the International laws

Criminal International Law Research Topics

Here comes the toughest type of international law topic, crime. Most students prefer not to pick any crime topic for their final year research. However, if you have a look, the criminology domain contains many unique topics. 

  • Domestic violence and forced marriages: An in-depth study
  • Third-degree torture: Is it humane and legal according to international law
  • International laws against the crime of assassination
  • Why do most of the crime-related factors stay out of court and law sight?
  • Witness safety – laws, advice, and actions against retaliation
  • What international laws say about the death penalty
  • The link between morality and crime in the eye of criminal theory
  • How different natures of crimes escape the international laws
  • International laws in support of legal rights
  • Criminal law and its deployment against terror with the help of international lawsuits
  • How international law stands against the war on terror
  • Racial bias in prison and a strict act of international law against it
  • Crimes and laws based on religions in different nations
  • Unethical police interrogations: How international law can eliminate this

Ideal Ways to Find Good Law Research Topics

We hope you like the list of topics mentioned above. They are absolutely the best topics an international law student can choose for their final year research task. However, if you still think of presenting something off-track, here is how you can find an ideal topic.

  • Research thoroughly about your chosen topic before start writing it.
  • Seek advice from your supervisors and seniors.
  • Do not pick a topic out of your interest.
  • Hire online research experts for assistance.
  • Share your ideas with friends and family.


We hope this article offered enough ideal topics for you to choose for your international law research paper. Now you will not have to hire someone to write my dissertation for me service from the internet and pay them money. Although, every student can complete a research task themselves if they have a proper guide and a good topic.

Besides, we wish you the best for your law research task and hope you will secure top grades. We understand a final-year research task can become a nightmare for many students. However, if you pick a similar topic from the above-mentioned list, we guarantee you will succeed in this task. Also, a quick tip is to start writing your research as early as possible.

By | 2022-10-25T18:03:49+00:00 October 25th, 2022|Write My Dissertation|0 Comments

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