Healthy Lifestyle

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Budgeting a Public Healthcare System

Healthcare budgeting is an important aspect of government policy. It ensures that each department and sector is receiving the right amount of money and resources to work effectively. The healthcare budgeting process involves understanding how much funding should be spent in different areas. There are 2 significant costs that budgeting covers that are operating costs [...]

By | 2022-11-23T15:25:35+00:00 November 23rd, 2022|Health|0 Comments

How Covid-19 Has Affected an Entire Generation of Students

It has been more than 1.5 years now but the situation is almost the same. The situation is deteriorating in some countries with cases increasing exponentially while some countries are Covid-19 free. Though all of these have faced a great economic and social crisis, the students are highly affected by the situation. The entire generation [...]

By | 2021-06-12T10:28:49+00:00 June 8th, 2021|Health|0 Comments

7 Ways The Busy College Student Can Live A Healthy Lifestyle

College life is quite tough where the pressure of studies becomes doubled and so as hard work. The constant pressure of studying, getting good grades in exams, completing assignments on time make students drain out. If you want to pass your college life successfully, studying won’t only work but you also need to have a [...]

By | 2021-06-12T10:37:00+00:00 June 4th, 2021|Health|0 Comments