People with a decent understanding of a dissertation are confused between its chapters. Well, it is totally normal, as some people say the chapters are seven or eight. The truth is, there are usually five chapters in a dissertation. If you are unaware of them, keep on reading. Every student has to go through the necessary five chapters that I will mention below. Regardless you write these chapters all by yourself, or you use Cheap Dissertation Writing Services UK-based help to complete it. Your dissertation will, in the end, consist of five chapters.
I am hoping that you received approval for your research proposal. If that is the case, you can smoothly proceed toward writing your research project. However, to compose an excellent piece of academic paper, you need to be aware of many factors. Structuring your research is vital. A good structure can help you insert your findings and evidence brilliantly into your research. On the other hand, a poor structure can cause trouble.
Five Chapters of a Dissertation
You cannot simply craft a high-quality dissertation by coincidence. Thus, you need a good plan. First, you have to understand what makes research an excellent piece of paper. In this article, we will explain the five chapters to help you. Do not worry, as everything will be step-by-step. We will start from chapter one, explaining to you what it would contain, so on, till we reach chapter five.
Therefore, if you are about to start working on your dissertation, this post can help you rocket boost its value. Here is the big picture you need to see chapter-wise to complete your research efficiently. Remember that these chapters are the heart of your research. Thus, be careful while dealing with them.
Chapter 1: Introduction
The first core chapter is the introduction. Aside from the title, table of contents, abstract, and acknowledgments, the actual core work starts from here. It’s time to move on to your core chapters. Here, you need to introduce your concept to your audience.
Many people make the mistake of not introducing their research well. They think that they have already done it in the abstract section. Thus, they do not need to explain a lot in this section. Well, it is wrong. Think like your readers did not read the abstract section, and start reading from this point. Keep in mind that an abstract is basically a separate document. So make sure you introduce your work well and address these questions:
- Your investigation theme is in simple terms.
- Why your concept is worth working for and how it will contribute to the academic and professional world.
- Your expectations from research and goals, as well as your research questions. However, remember that you can also present your research questions at the end of the literature review. So it is exceptional.
- Define the scope of your research. The things you will cover and the things you will not.
- What methodology you will use to conduct your research.
- How you will structure your research and the core chapters it will have.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Now you have done the part, introducing your research to your audience. It is time to put some light on the literature review chapter. This chapter is lengthy and may take a lot of time, as you need to conduct intensive research. You need to go through every essential existing research your topic has, such as previous academic journals, articles, and industry publications.
Also, your school may ask you to present a theoretical framework at the end of your literature review. You will need to test during the actual research process. Remember, every school has different criteria for evaluating research. Some schools focus on this chapter more than any other. So it is always good if you go through the outline and requirements of your research. Else, you can clear your doubts by discussing this issue with your supervisor.
Chapter 3: Methodology
At this point, you have collected information on previous theories, articles, journals, and many more. Now you have to present your own framework. It is the point where your actual research begins. Here, you have to answer two of these questions:
- How are you going to perform your research exactly? (your methodology)
- Why do you think this methodology fits better in your scenario. (justify your design)
Chapter 4: Results and Presentation
In this chapter, there is nothing you need except present your findings. Usually, there is no need to describe the meaning of the data and findings you are presenting. For example, if your research is quantitative, you may need to display demographic data, statistics, links, etc.
Normally, this chapter is just a presentation stage of your results. You do not need to describe your results here. There is already an individual section (chapter 5) that aims for this purpose.
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Discussion
Now you have done everything, and it is time to translate your findings analytically. This chapter solely consists of results and discussions. You need to discuss how your findings link with your research questions. Remember, whatever you discuss in this chapter will rely upon your desired methodology.
So that is it. The above information can help you write a brilliant research paper. Still, there are many ways to consider while writing a dissertation. However, a standard form of dissertation always consists of these five chapters. If you still think you have doubts, you can always seek help from Best Dissertation Writing Services UK-based help. They can resolve your doubts in a matter of minutes. Besides, I do not think you would need any help after going through this article. We have told you everything you need to know about a dissertation and its chapters.
Remember not to underestimate yourself. It may feel like writing a dissertation is an impossible task, as it is a huge task. However, you will find things easier after taking the first step. So do not wait for anyone to help you, but help yourself with the information we provided and start working on your research.
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